
TosetupwithintheiPadsettingsallyouneedtodoisselectSettings>General>Accessibilityandyou'llseetheInvertColorsandGrayscalesliderstobe ...,,2017年6月27日—HowtouseyouriPhonetoviewoldfilmnegatives·Viewingfilmnegatives·You'llneedaniPhoneandaniPad·Scanningslidesorfilmnegatives.,2019年9月13日—IhavetheoriginaliPadthatwasreleasedin2010.Andyes,itstillworksgreat.Iuseitforsleevingnegativesandorganizin...

A Clever DIY Solution To Use Your iPad To Preview Film ...

To set up within the iPad settings all you need to do is select Settings>General>Accessibility and you'll see the Invert Colors and Grayscale sliders to be ...

How to use your iPhone or iPad as a film negatives viewer

2017年6月27日 — How to use your iPhone to view old film negatives · Viewing film negatives · You'll need an iPhone and an iPad · Scanning slides or film negatives.

iPad as Super Portable Lightbox and Softbox

2019年9月13日 — I have the original iPad that was released in 2010. And yes, it still works great. I use it for sleeving negatives and organizing slides.

iPad Viewer

It is a high-resolution image viewer for medical and research professionals, and it is able to open and visualize digital slides from the Pathonet Digital Slide ...


Brought to you by the developer that built the smartest photo scanner app, Photomyne is proud to now also offer an AI-powered photo slides scanning app that ...

Switch an app window to a Slide Over window on iPad

Swipe halfway up the screen from the bottom of the Slide Over window, pause, then lift your finger. All the Slide Over windows appear. Tap the app you want to ...